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Hey guys.

Sorry I haven't posted in a long while between sailing training and school I haven't had time for anything. This week I wanted to talk about pressure , because I've had a lot of pressure put on me this past month and I'm not talking about peer pressure which is what everybody seems to think teenagers means when they say they are under pressure , no not like that really. I'm talking about the pressure from your sports club to do great in every race you do and win everything you participate in or pressure from the internet and social media to have to perfect body with amazing skin and your hair and makeup to always look nice and to always me ready for a photo because you know that's what teenage girls have to do for somebody to like them and that's not fair! Sometimes I just want to where unmatching tracksuit and have frizzy hair and still go out even for a walk with my dog but no people laugh and shout your name from across the street.
I have these really important exams coming up next week that I have studied for everyday this past month but I still feel like I won't do well. My teacher give me practice sheets and practise exam but I can't do it but when I'm not in an exam situation I can do it perfectly! I can do algebra questions by myself and my math teacher knows that but the person marking my exam won't know that! And these exam on not just like end of year class test NO there the kind of exam that shape you while life , they decide what level your going to go into higher or ordinary level and once your in that level there's no moving up. So if I do really bad in this exam because maybe I don't feel well I might not be a heart surgeon or a dermatologist or anything in that region which I really want to be! And that's a lot of pressure to put on a young teen who sometimes forgets to take out her contacts at night. And of course my parents would love to see me succeed in life because well their my parents and I don't want to disappoint them but that's just another layer of pressure and I'm not saying oh my parents are making me study 24/7 because even the 3 hours of study I do a day after school with breaks in between doesn't stick in my brain.

So yeah that's my rant over sorry if it was a bit all over the place but that's just how my brain is right now. Does anyone else feel like this? Let me know in the comments . Follow my twitter to keep updated on when I post which we'll be more often hopefully soon.

Bye xxx


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