So I've decided to start a blog.
This blog.
Well, Because I have so much thing going on just fizzing up inside of me right now, I feel like I might explode but instead of writing in my journal never to be seen or read. I decided to make my journal online! But anonymous of course because I don't even want to think about what would happen if anyone in school saw this.
My best friend Dolly ( that not her real name by the way because then this anonymous blog thing wouldn't really work out if you knew her real name ) is the one who inspired me to write this blog post that your reading ,Without Dolly I don't think I would have the confidence to even write a post.
On this blog I'm going to keep it REAL this mean I will say whatever I want and it would be nice if you whoever you are might join me.
Before I go if your a teenage girl reading this going through something and you feel alone , stay with me trust me your not the only one.Also don't think I'm just going to say whatever on my mind I will do some beauty stuff and I'll show you my art & photos because I love all that type of stuff.
Ok, well I guess that's all for now.thank you for reading this ( I doubt anyone actually been readying).Let me know what you think in the comments below.
This blog.
Well, Because I have so much thing going on just fizzing up inside of me right now, I feel like I might explode but instead of writing in my journal never to be seen or read. I decided to make my journal online! But anonymous of course because I don't even want to think about what would happen if anyone in school saw this.
My best friend Dolly ( that not her real name by the way because then this anonymous blog thing wouldn't really work out if you knew her real name ) is the one who inspired me to write this blog post that your reading ,Without Dolly I don't think I would have the confidence to even write a post.
On this blog I'm going to keep it REAL this mean I will say whatever I want and it would be nice if you whoever you are might join me.
Before I go if your a teenage girl reading this going through something and you feel alone , stay with me trust me your not the only one.Also don't think I'm just going to say whatever on my mind I will do some beauty stuff and I'll show you my art & photos because I love all that type of stuff.
Ok, well I guess that's all for now.thank you for reading this ( I doubt anyone actually been readying).Let me know what you think in the comments below.
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